Monday, June 24, 2013

Wedneday- Saturday

Seeing Conan O’Brien in real life and having him talk to us one on one was a very cool experience and not one that I will soon forget.  I think he gets the reputation of just being a funny talk show host, the face of the talk show.  I think he showed a great deal of depth and humility throughout. I especially related to what he said about the importance of emotional intelligence in life mostly because I think that enough people are extremely intelligent and have a great vision for their future but they’re such assholes no one wants any of that.  It also usually seems like the most outgoing and very often most obnoxious people get noticed.  It did not seem to be the case with him.  I think what got Conan so far was his ability to see people for their actual worth not the front they put on.  The rest of the day in comparison was extremely lackluster.  The presentation by Unilver I assumed would be interesting because they’ve been able to keep the Axe/Lynx image alive for so long but so little insight was put into the presentation it was clear they thought putting together just a series of commercials would be sufficient.  The presenter merely introduced the era in which the commercial was produced.  Also trying to portray Axe as respectful to women and not just as sex objects was a little insulting because that is mostly what they’ve based their image off of.  Overall Conan and Anderson Cooper were the only useful and insightful part of the day but I did see some interesting exhibits and talked to creatives at the Google bar from BBDO and Leo Burnett.
I would say it was frustrating trying to get into seminars.  Saatchi and Saatchi was nearly impossible to even get into a line.  The presentation by Susy Dearing was very inspirational in that she admitted that she felt insecure about taking a position in Moxy.  It was nice to see that even the most successful of people second guess themselves and it doesn’t mean that you’re unable to do the job, you might just need some objective perspective.   The workshop I went to was probably the best thing I attended during the whole week, perhaps because at that point I had honed in on the areas of interest in advertising.  They gave us a brief introduction on the essentials of brand marketing.  Focusing in on the one aspect of not bullshitting your way through advertising the product, especially in social media.  It was amazing to see how some adverts on facebook are completely incapable of relating to real customers.  Although bullshitting is an excellent skill to have, they emphasized how people know when and if you are being genuine.  Though obviously a certain degree of bullshit is entirely necessary to sell many products, its how well the idea is executed determines how successful the ad is.  Seeing how Dove creates a kind of genuine image of around themselves, focusing on “the experience of being a woman” was really educational when compared with another company that made a status telling people to tell their “other sensitive skin friends” about their product. I think people don’t want to know they’re being sold to, so if it is concealed well enough, there is some level of success. A very cool addition to that workshop was seeing Lydia win a prize out of the entire class for her slogan idea for a smoothie brand : Try our banana flavor, it’s ‘apeeling’. It also made me realize that just because we are young does not mean we can’t contribute an equal amount of value, if not more than people who have been in the industry.

Friday was interesting for me to explore how the essential aspect of creativity in an area I had not considered entirely for financial reasons.  Non profit organizations are quicker in adapting to trends in changing creativity.  It has been found, also through common sense, that some of the more abrasive and graphic commercials inspire sympathy but so much so that viewer simply does not want to think about it.  While it would be nice to show the horrors of the world directly and blatantly, I think we all know it is necessary to not desensitize the viewer/reader but to inspire sympathy in new and changing ways.  This is were strategic and dynamic creativity come into play.  In the second debate, I am confused as to why this was even an issue.  Nobody wants to see a starving African child drinking dirty water during prime time.  Though that is a reality, it is not what is most effective and in this case the ends do justify the means.

LatinWorks was a very relatable seminar I felt obligated to attend.  I agreed with most of what they said.  I think people should value the minorities opinions more often due to the fact that they’ve had to adjust and assimilate without losing their identity.  Many of the people telling their stories were very similar to that of my dad’s.  They grew up in horrendously poor conditions but managed to somehow make a name and living for themselves and families.  It was uplifting to see that people who were so much less fortunate all of us make it in an industry that seems very hard to get into.  The awards ceremony was also amazing.  It was the grand finale of the week and to see the best of the best film awards (my favorite catagory).  I am most interesting in film advertising

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