Monday, June 24, 2013


 was by far one of the most inspirational and useful days of the festivial. David Droga provided a much needed dose of reality through many of the things he said.  “It doesn’t count if we love it, it doesn’t matter if the client loves it, the world has to love it” and “Don’t quit because someone else has done it before, make it better”.  It made me remember that advertising isn’t all about faking it until you make it but rather the most successful ads are the most genuine.  I realized through seeing a few other advertisments that day that the most important and influential ads are very in tune to what people want out of life and many of our deepest fears and insecurities are almost comforted in the persuasion of buying a product.  Maybe it’s a little bit unscrupulous but if the advertiser is smart enough to be able to capitalize on it then they might as well. Arianna Huffington was also an excellent career role model.  She acknowledged how difficult it was for women to succeed in the business world.  It was good to hear that women’s rights are still evolving through time and women are demanding more respect and power in almost every aspect of life.  I thought her sass level regarding men in business/ running the world was a little abrasive and off putting.  It did make me realize that you do actually have to overcompensate in that aspect to gain respect or authority because of the routine and norms that are established in the business world.  I think the part of her lecture where she emphasized rest and the power of relaxation vaguely refreshing. People do emphasize working harder, not smarter.  Staying up all night studying for a test is almost expected as a student and surely as a business person.  I think that is a rather unhealthy cultural norm.  It was interesting to hear how businesses are changing and even creating yoga stations in the corporations, some of the most high stress environments.  Hopefully, this idea will spread and become more accepted and not viewed as laziness but an actual human need.

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